Rusia jugó primer partido de la historia en Copa del Mundo Rugby

Denis Anotonov rusia rugby

Denis Anotonov rusia rugby

La selección rusa de rugby cayó por 13–6 ante su similar de Estados Unidos en su primer partido en la Copa del Mundo que comenzó el pasado 9 de septiembre en Nueva Zelanda. Este fue además su primer partido de la historia en la máxima cita de este deporte.

Los dirigidos por Nikolái Nerush arrancaron con agresividad y abrieron la cuenta a los tres minutos de juego a través de un tiro penal realizado por Yuri Kushnariov —que pasará a la historia como el jugador que le regaló a Rusia sus primeros tres puntos en los Mundiales—, sin embargo al término del primer tiempo la selección norteamericana ya estaba 10–3 arriba gracias a un ensayo de Mike Petri a los 18, que fue el único del partido.

En un segundo tiempo lluvioso ambos equipos tuvieron oportunidades de anotar, pero sus constantes errores —16 de manos en total durante el partido— jugaron en contra de los dos conjuntos. Chris Myles aumentó la ventaja para las ‘Águilas’, mientras que Konstantín Rachkov descontó 13–6 a los 77 minutos para los ‘Osos’.

El siguiente encuentro de Rusia será el martes 20 de septiembre en Nelson, frente a Italia, mientras que Estados Unidos disputará su tercer encuentro de este Grupo C, tres días después, en Wellington, frente a Australia, que precisamente aplastó en su primer encuentro por 32–6 a los italianos.

Rusia, decimoctava en el ranking mundial, se clasificó por primera vez (incluyendo al equipo de la Unión Soviética) para la Copa del Mundo de Rugby tras finalizar segunda en la última edición de la European Nations Cup (ENC), por detrás de Georgia.

El torneo, que se celebra cada cuatro años desde su primera edición en 1987 en Australia y Nueva Zelanda, es para muchos una de las competiciones deportivas internacionales más grandes del mundo, junto con el Mundial de Fútbol y los Juegos Olímpicos de verano. Australia y Sudáfrica son las selecciones más coperas con dos títulos cada una.

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Russia animal Freedom behind bars

Russia animal Freedom behind bars

Russia animal Freedom behind bars

There are cases in which an animal can only find freedom behind bars. The network of BIM, all located in various regions of the province of Moscow, is a sanctuary for pets of all kinds which have been battered by their owners.

After the heavy bars of the cage of the shelter, animals who had spent months or years of being beaten, forced to work and eventually starve get all the attention and affection they need. The network hosted a total of about 2,500 animals, dogs, cats, camels, bears, cows, monkeys, pythons and raccoons, among others.

Sergey Serduk, the director of BIM, says: «The fund was organized by Taráskina Daria, who is now president. She began hosting a stray cat at home and then grew to 150 animals in the first center. Then, little by little, the number of animals grew and today we have five homes. »

The mistreatment of animals is a reality in Russia, as in many other countries, but current legislation does not seem to be enough to prevent it. Irina Novozhilov, president of the Center for Defense of Animal Rights Vita, said: «There are some legislative acts in several areas that are very effective. With regard to circuses, no laws. Ten years later, in Russia we pass a law that is not appropriate … Gone 4 key areas such as animal exploitation by humans, agriculture, animal testing, fur and entertainment industry. »

But if the laws do not provide a solution to the problem are private initiatives that give your hand to those who suffer or are in captivity. In BIM, all employees are volunteers. All its resources are devoted to food, care and maintenance of animals. The fund exists thanks to private donations and, as his administration said in the last five years has managed to overcome its economic difficulties.

What most worries the staff of this hostel is the continuous arrival of animals in a terrible state of health. One example is a teddy bear 7 months old. Sergey says: «She was forced to work and gave very little food because it worked if not hungry. Overload was so intense that it has problems in his bones and muscles, which do not work well and so their hind legs hardly move. Here we try to cure it but it is very difficult. »

The camel Mirsha was luckier. She was rescued from one of the most famous circuses in Moscow. When it came to the shelter, he healed all wounds and illnesses he had. According to employees, now leads a quiet life, with all necessary care.

Advocates for animal rights insist that the problem needs a quick solution, which must go through the adoption of national legislation providing guarantees to the most vulnerable.

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