russia nippon shark
33 children in the prefectures of Iwate and Miyagi Nippon, shaken by the tsunami in March 2011, are spending their summer vacations in the Russian Far Orien. Your week recreational stay in the children’s center Okean, located on the shore of the Gulf of Peter the Great, where in recent days there have been two shark attacks a murderer.
Following the attacks, the local Emergency Ministry published a list of instructions on how to deal with the threat. The main recommendations are: Do not enter the water, do not try to save the shark swimming because «it is much faster,» and in case of an attack to try to «pull the shark everything available to it and try hit in the eyes or gills. »
As the only advice that can be implemented is «not to enter the water,» the center’s management banned the children come to the beach. Bringing Japanese students, like their ‘fellow disgraced’ Russians have to settle for field trips.
Among other sports activities can communicate in foreign language teaching. The majority of Russians living with the Nipponese in Okeana studying Japanese at school, so they have a good practice. Besides, are «proving their strength ‘as teachers: give Russian lessons to their peers. The Japanese, however, offer classes in origami, the traditional Japanese art of paper folding to obtain figures of various shapes, and writing of ideograms. As discussed Russian children, have fun knowing about the details of life in the country of the rising sun.
The Consulate of Japan, meanwhile, stressed that such short holiday was inevitable, since children need to compensate for lost time. The school year in the affected areas was greatly reduced because of the tsunami.
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