Sleep Box
Russian designers create three meters square off
Russian designers have proposed a solution to the long and tedious hours of waiting at airports microhoteles with ‘rooms’ equipped with electricity and Internet access, among other services.
Who else who has suffered the least delay or endless hours of waiting for the connection to a flight. That is the unpleasant experience that inspired Mikhail Goryainov Krymov and Alexei (Russian Arch Group Architects) who devised the ‘Sleep Box’, a cabin design that is warm and welcoming hotel will function, and may end the biggest nightmare for travelers.
This construction includes two beds mobile soundproof and equipped with an automatic system of sheets, ventilation, alarm clock, LCD TV, Wifi, a platform for a laptop power outlets and a place for luggage. Some see the Sleep Box continuation or development of the Japanese capsule hotels.
The capsule hotels in Japan were established 30 years ago and had no success in spreading throughout the world because the client’s position in it is strictly horizontal and costs up to sit. For the Japanese may be fine but for Europeans, accustomed to more comfort, associated with that horizontal position is quite negative.
Acceptance of the invention has been incredible, especially on the part of airports, train stations and hospitality-related companies, with Spain being the pioneer in the European Union market.
«In Europe the first country to install them will be Spain, I think the next year or within one and a half will be possible to sleep Sleep in Spain in a Box,» says Mikhail Krymov.
But before the end of 2011 will be the Russians who enjoy the benefits of this modern and warm microhotel.
You may not end the Box Sleep with these long and tedious waits at airports and train stations but surely that will make them much more enjoyable.
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