Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia intends to create an analog of the popular online game World of Warcraft

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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia intends to create an analog of the popular online game World of Warcraft to publicize the national story.

The new game would be ready by 2012, when they celebrate the 1,150. Anniversary of the existence of Russia as a state.
The Russian president is known as an active user of Internet and supporter of modernization, which is not surprising that he has called attention to a game that unites some 12 million users worldwide.

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«Not only children play and young people but also adults. We could create something similar, though not a national but a global scale, «Medvedev said at the meeting of Council for Culture and the Council for Science and Technology.


The president believes that the history of Russia can offer a lot of scenarios to fight the invaders or internal. It is important not to distort the historical facts as to not confuse young users.

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